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New, New Real Estate Crowdfunding Platform

Posted by Alan Donenfeld October 30, 2017

CityVest Opens Up Institutional Investment Funds To Individual Investors

When you see prominent investors such as George Soros, Larry Silverstein and Goldman Sachs participating in the real estate crowdfunding business – it means something. So, let’s follow the smart money. The real estate crowdfunder that everyone is talking about now is CityVest, which claims a top pedigree of founders and investors. And is living up to its mission - Smarter Real Estate Investing.

CityVest provides wealthy individuals with online access to institutional real estate funds and the higher rates of return they generate. The key word is access. Why? Because it’s well-known that the best investment returns are available through institutional investment funds like those from Blackstone. Yes, sometimes bigger is better. The reason is simple: larger funds have significant relationships that enable them to identify and execute transactions with speed and the most attractive pricing.

Unfortunately, because typical institutional funds have million-dollar minimum subscription requirements, most investors are shut out. Until CityVest sought to change the rules for individual investors. CityVest is unique in its ability to provide investors with access to these funds by aggregating individuals’ investments as low as $25,000 to meet the million-dollar minimums. CityVest calls these “Access Funds”. These Access Funds are posted at the website which provides an easy and secure online experience to browse and invest in these institutional real estate funds.

Most real estate crowdfunders provide fix and flip deals or real estate debt investments with a 9% fixed return, but no upside. In contrast, CityVest provides real estate investors with the potential for substantial upside gain by participating in hard to access institutional real estate investment funds.

CityVest scours the market for experienced real estate investment fund managers who have unique strategies. CityVest is currently offering investments in real estate private equity funds that have achieved a prior audited track record of 20% IRR. In addition, the funds provide a solid current return with an 8% to 9% preferred return.

The CityVest and its real estate crowdfunding site takes care of all the heavy lifting, finding the investment funds, conducting due diligence and structuring the investment. The CityVest online platform is a smart and easy way to gain access to big deals alongside big name investors.

CityVest is led by CEO and founder Alan Donenfeld, who is dedicated to finding the best real estate investments for individual investors. Prior to launching CityVest, Alan Donenfeld was the founder of a private equity fund, founder of a FINRA broker dealer, and worked for over a decade with large investment banking firms. He has completed several billion dollars worth of private equity, real estate and other investments throughout his 36 year career. The CityVest advisory team includes individuals who have worked at Colony Capital, Boston Properties, Bovis Lend Lease, Pine River and Cerberus. The CityVest team and their website allows you to follow the smart investment money using the new, new real estate crowdfunding platform.

Invest With Confidence

We Do the Work to Provide You the Best investment Opportunities

  • A completely new alternative to investing in stocks and bonds.

    Every CityVest investment undergoes a thorough due diligence process by our experienced underwriting team. Of the hundreds of projects reviewed each month, fewer than 1% are approved.

    CityVest can help you:


      You benefit through professional investment structures, which target passive returns for our investors in a range from 10% to 25% - often with a preferred return.


      CityVest pre-screens investments for you through our underwriting and due diligence process. We partner with institutional investment funds and sponsors and we seek a preferred rate of return.


      Since real estate investments typically generate cash flow income, while common stock does not, real estate valuations tend to be less volatile and less sensitive to market risk factors.


      CityVest will handle all of the accounting and administration of your investment, while you can monitor the returns.

We simplify online real estate investing.

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